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Monday, May 11, 2009

I dun understand y im always freakin tired after sch, as if like im usin alot of my brain cells. =.=
I absorb nth during FIT lecture, nt even abit, i tink. Haha, Gd game lo.
When i reached hm, i screamed, the two gua at my hse is messin up my living rm. Tissue papers being bite until dunno hw cui & my shoes being dragged to the middle of the living rm, still bite my shoes pad. My poor shoes is being tortured when im in sch & nw they are slpin soundly beside mi. QQ shiok la, slpin on the pillow & Queeli slpin on the floor. I suspected that they are havin WWF when im in sch if nt y so tired. =.=
I dreamt of you ytd, a nice dream, it's like so real tt when my alarm clock rang...den i realised that.. it was juz onli a dream & back to reality again. They said if it was a nice dream, dun say it out, if nt wont come true. Haha, i noe that it's juz human assumption bt i choose to believe it, so i cant share wif anyone. Haha. I was feelin dw tis morning on my way to sch, i've got nth to do other den listened to my mp3 so was rather emo. Then i saw tis boy, an amputee, tink below the age of 20???, i had thoughts running through my mind, im feelin dw almost everyday coz of the setbacks & the boy whose leg(one of the leg) is amputated, he is living his life happily & stayin strong. I was tinkin shldnt i live my life happily too coz im counted much more fortunate compared to him.

Another nice song.


当你放开了手, 离开的时候,有没有一点舍不得我.

6:16 PM I have blogged my feeling @